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Inspired Stewardship

Oct 31, 2019

In today’s episode about developing your influence through stewarding your talent, I talk with you about the pattern of communication.  I also share why communication breaks down.   I talk with you about why you have to adjust your communication not expect the listener to change their hearing.


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Oct 30, 2019

In today’s episode about developing your influence by stewarding your time, I talk with you about the difference between being busy and being productive.  I talk with you about why being productive is the real goal but we often don't pay attention to it.  I also share why we more often focus on being busy.



Oct 29, 2019

In today’s spiritual foundation episode about developing your influence, I talk with you about why we often focus on recharging others as building influence.  I also share with you the danger in recharging others when we are drained.  I also talk with you about why you need to learn to do both.


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Oct 28, 2019

In today’s interview with Wade Galt from the 4 day workweek academy, Wade and I talk with you about his definition of leadership.  Wade also shares with you what influence means to him and gives you some of his top speaking tips and lots more.


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Oct 26, 2019

In tonight’s 12th episode of the Saturday Night Special Rob and I talk financial freedom.  Rob shares why he thinks it’s not about just the money but rather how you focus on it that matters.  Rob and I talk with you about some of the big money myths and why believing them holds you back.  Rob also shares why...